New Dedications from Phaselis to Apollon Epidamos, Artemis Pergaia and Hephaistos Murat ARSLAN Nihal TÜNER ÖNEN Abstract: This article presents three new votive inscriptions from Phaselis. The first inscription was carved on a pedestal that had been reused as spolia in repairs made in Late Antiquity on the main street of the city, which descends to the Central Harbour. It is dedicated to Apollon Epidamos. Since the epithet Epidamos was first documented for Apollon at …
New Inscriptions from Olympos (Lykia) Ezgi DEMİRHAN-ÖZTÜRK Abstract: This article presents four new inscriptions recorded during the 2024 excavation season in Olympos: 1) The Tomb of Epiktesis and his Family 2) The Tomb of Midas and his Family 3) The Tomb of Zosimos and his Family, and 4) The Tomb of a person(s), whose name(s) is/are unknown. These four tomb inscriptions were uncovered and documented in the area known as the North Necropolis of the …
New Inscriptions from Nikaia XVI: Votives to Zeus (Bronton and Gorzaios) Hüseyin Sami ÖZTÜRK Abstract: This article presents new five votive inscriptions discovered during surveys conducted in the provinces of Sakarya and Bilecik since 2010. Three of these inscriptions are dedicated to Zeus Bronton, one to Zeus Gorzaios and the last is simply addressed to Zeus without any additional attribution (qualifying adjective). The first two inscriptions were found in close proximity to each other and …
New Reading of I.Mylasa I, 403 Güray ÜNVER Abstract: This article presents a new reading of a published inscription from Mylasa. The inscription is a dedication of an altar to an emperor and Zeus Olympios by the inhabitants of a street, for the sake of honoring Dionysides son of Demetrios, the olympic victor (olympionikes). It was engraved on a white marble round altar with profiles above and below. The inscription was published by Ph. Le …
A Wandering Jewish Tombstone Mehmet ÖZHANLI İnci TÜRKOĞLU Nurşah ÇOKBANKİR ŞENGÜL Abstract: The tombstone bearing Jewish symbols such as menorah, shofar, etrog and lulav, accompanied by a Hebrew inscription reading shalom and an ancient Greek inscription comprising two lines, was found in the garden of two buildings belonging to H. M. Aydoğdu, in the locality designated “Omarcı (Ömerci) Village” situated in the district of Şarkikaraağaç, Isparta. With the type of stone of the artefact it …
Eine Gruppe neuer Grabinschriften aus Kestel bei Bursa N. Eda AKYÜREK ŞAHİN Zusammenfassung: In diesem Artikel werden vier neue Grabinschriften analysiert, die 2022 durch eine Gendarmerieaktion in das archäologische Museum von Bursa gelangten. Alle Inschriften befinden sich auf Reliefstelen, die in der Kreisstadt Kestel, etwa 20 km östlich von Bursa, gefunden wurden. Stele Nr. 1 zeigt ein Relief mit zwei kleinen Kindern, Stele Nr. 2 eine auf einem Korbstuhl sitzende weibliche Figur und verschiedene Gegenstände, …
An Honorary Inscription Recording an Elite Woman from Nysa ad Maeandrum Sargon BOYACI Abstract: This article presents a new inscription discovered during the Nysa ad Maeandrum excavations in 2020. In this epigraphic document, Neikostrate, also known as Eutykhiane, a member of a noble family of Nysa ad Maendrum, is honoured by her hometown of Nysa for her virtue and nobility. Neikostrate, the daughter of Publius Aelius Iunius Marcianus, is mentioned as descended from archiereis and …
Notes on some Honorary Inscriptions from Kibyra Selen KILIÇ ASLAN Abstract: This article revisits a few honorary inscriptions from Kibyra and discusses the identities of the persons mentioned in these inscriptions. In particular, it rediscusses how the name of the honouree in inscription I.Kibyra 40 could be restored and then shows that a posthumous honorary inscription for a Flavia Tata, published in 2019, does not, contrary to its editor’s argument, confirm the existence of a …