New Honorary Inscriptions from Termessos for Emperor Hadrianus and His Wife Sabina Murat ARSLAN Nihal TÜNER ÖNEN Abstract: In this article, three new inscriptions discovered during the Termessos Surveys in 2018 are introduced. Two of these document the emperor Hadrianus was honoured through erecting a statue by the previously unknown Nanas and Konoas/Hekonoas(?) phylai of Termessos. The other inscription includes an honorary statue made by the city and public councils for Hadrianus’ wife Sabina. While …
A New Funerary Inscription from Olympos (Lycia) and an Addendum to TAM II 1075 Ezgi DEMİRHAN-ÖZTÜRK Abstract: This paper presents two funerary inscriptions found in Olympos, one of which has not been published before (no. 1). The inscription dated to the Ist-IInd centuries A.D. was recorded in 2015, and it belongs to the tomb of Arteimas and his family. Another funerary inscription (no. 2) was published with the number 1075 in TAM II, and we …
Two New Epitaphs from Termessos Nihal TÜNER ÖNEN Murat ARSLAN Abstract: In the article discussed here, two new epitaphs discovered in the necropolis area called E3 during the surveys conducted in Termessos are introduced in 2019. Both epitaphs are dated to the Roman Imperial Period, but according to the gens names used in the inscriptions, the first epitaph is dated from before the Constitutio Antoniniana (212 A.D.), while the second is dated after it. The …
New Monotheistic Inscriptions and Fragments from Perge Şenkal KİLECİ Abstract: This article introduces 10 epigraphic documents found at Perge. Monotheistic inscriptions such as a graffiti (no. 1), monogramma Christi (no. 2-5), an inscription for a presbyter (no. 6), fragments of a dedication to God (no. 7), a tombstone (no. 8), and two fragments (no. 9-10) found in the Southern Church of Perge. Though most of these are dated to the Eastern Roman Imperial Period, the …
Two New Inscriptions from the Western Necropolis of Nikomedeia Hüseyin Sami ÖZTÜRK Ezgi DEMİRHAN-ÖZTÜRK Abstract: A rescue excavation by the Directorate of the Kocaeli Museum of Archaeology and Ethnography was conducted between 2017 and 2019 in the area where the General Directorate of Izmit Water and Sewerage Administration is located. In the course of these excavations, a new necropolis area was discovered, including five in situ sarcophagi, 51 tile tombs, and two amphora tombs. Among them, four sarcophagi bear …
“Doğu Lykaonia’dan Yeni Hristiyanlık Dönemi Yazıtları” (Cedrus VIII, 2020, 531-545) için Corrigenda et Addenda Mehmet ALKAN İlker IŞIK Öz: Bu çalışmada, Cedrus Dergisi’nin 2020 yılı sayısında yayınlanan “Doğu Lykaonia’dan Yeni Hristiyanlık Dönemi Yazıtları / New Christian Inscriptions from Eastern Lycaonia” başlıklı makalemizde görülen gereklilik üzerine 3 ve 4 no’lu yazıtlar üzerinde bazı düzeltmeler ve eklemer yapılmaktadır. Anahtar sözcükler: Lykaonia, Hristiyan Yazıtları, Episkopos, Polyeuktos Abstract: In this study, some corrections and additions are made on the …
Nikaia’dan Yeni Yazıtlar XIV – Nikaia’dan Leukai’a/Lefke’ye Yerleşimler, Miltaşları, Roma Yolu ve Mauricius Köprüsü Hüseyin Sami ÖZTÜRK Öz: Nikaia’nın Bithynia Bölgesi’nde önemli bir yerleşim haline gelmesindeki önemli etkenlerden biri de Küçük Asya’ya giden yolların kesişme noktasında yer almasıdır. Nikaia’nın bugün 3 tanesi görülebilen, 4 ana kapısı bulunmaktadır. Bu dört kapıdan biri olan Lefke Kapısı Kudüs’e kadar uzanan yolun Küçük Asya’daki başlangıcı sayılabilir. Hacı Yolu olarak da adlandırılan bu yol aslında bir Roma yolu olup Küçük …